Dance Monkey: Apparition Poem #2041

A quarter of a century
has passed
since I took the teenage
townie to a new place
in a subletted room
on West Nittany
if I have no regrets
it’s because those text-piles
on that carpeted floor
have passed into
ink somewhere
past that room
she has too
the second phase of the game

P.S. And both from and about those text-piles

The E Sequence

E Sequence 1: Something Solid, Aughts Philly, The Painter.

E Sequence 2: Something Solid, Aughts Philly, The Studio.

E Sequence 3: Something Solid, Aughts Philly, Riot Grrrl.

E Sequence 4: Something Solid, Aughts Philly, Starlight.

E Sequence 5: Something Solid, Aughts Philly, Live Forever.


Equations 1, The Thesis Episodes, on PennSound.

Equations 2, The Jade Episodes, completing the dialectic & book, on PennSound

Dance Monkey: Apparition Poems

 Still in the process of writing a Beams sequel. The one finished section: Apparition Poems.

Fragment: Jennifer

Jennifer steps out of maggots & dust—
       a goddess of trailers, who’ll try, as she must,
                    to bless, as a cornfield, the rigors of lust—

coming from me into her like a spark,
       glazing with moonlight the rooms where, in dark,
                          the ooze of the universe made a new mark.

Apparition Poem #2043

For God to be God
God has to be something else
the manifestation of a center point
of perfectly well-rounded goodness
incorrigibly manning the ambiguous
affirming all sides of every equation
responsive both personally, impersonally
conscious & unconscious

but then, being there & not somewhere else
the Ontological Argument falls flat
God’s not God
for God to be God


Equations 1, The Thesis Episodes, on PennSound.

Equations 2, The Jade Episodes, completing the dialectic & book, on PennSound

Apparition Poem #2053

I have written
the poems
that were in the icebox
& which you were probably
hoping to power-block
forgive me
they are delicious
so sweet
& so cold