Art Recess 2
Poetry and more
Something Solid
: Aughts Philly: Undulant on P.F.S. Post
Undulant, sonnet from the Aughts Philly section of Something Solid, on
P.F.S. Post
Undulant is available as an individual mp3 file on
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Something Solid: Aughts Philly: The Studio on Argo...
from LTDM (Letters to Dead Masters): "#11"
Equations: Thesis: #20 (draft added July 2023)
Desmond Swords on Apparition Poems: UK List-Serve ...
Equations: Thesis: #45 (added July 2023)
From Galatea Resurrects, 2008
From moria poetry, 2008
Opera Bufa: "Divertimento Giocoso" or Coping with ...
Sex and Shadows: Mary Walker Graham and Stacy Blai...
Equations, and Mary Evelyn Harju
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